Winners of the 2023 Season Celebrated at Lonato del Garda (BS) in the IAME Series Italy

Published 12 November 2023
Winners of the 2023 Season Celebrated at Lonato del Garda (BS) in the IAME Series Italy

The South Garda Circuit in Lonato recently hosted the award ceremony for the IAME Series Italy Awards, celebrating the triumphs of the protagonists of the 2023 season. This exciting event took place at the conclusion of an intense season of races at the prestigious South Garda Circuit in Lonato.

The winners in different categories were:

Jesse Phillips (GB), winner in the X30 Mini category.

Tiziano Kuzhnini from Switzerland triumphed in the X30 Junior category.

Manuel Scognamiglio, a native of Campania, claimed the title in the X30 Senior category.

Luca Sgualdino, who secured victory in the X30 Master Pro category.

Diego D'Agostino, originally from Caserta, emerged victorious in the X30 Master Gentlemen category.

A substantial prize pool rewarded each category winner with an IAME X30 engine, while the top three finishers in each class shared a generous bounty. Additionally, Leyla Sulyak from Turkey was honored in the Lady IAME Series Italy.

Award Ceremony at the South Garda Karting Track in Lonato del Garda, 11/12/23

The conclusion of the 2023 IAME Series Italy racing season was celebrated in the picturesque setting of the South Garda Karting Track in Lonato del Garda. The organization of this event was entrusted to X30 Promotion, providing its drivers with a worthy podium celebration.

The significant prize pool was distributed with awards that included an IAME X30 engine for each category winner. Drivers placed second and third received vouchers convertible to racing equipment worth €1500 and €1000 respectively.

Winners in different categories:

  • X30 Mini: Jesse Phillips (Fusion Motorsport).
  • X30 Junior: Tiziano Kuzhnini (Team Driver Racing Kart).
  • X30 Senior: Manuel Scognamiglio (T Motorsport).
  • X30 Master - Gentleman: Diego D’Agostino (TK Driver Academy).

Further recognitions, in the form of honorary prizes, were reserved for the most representative drivers in the KA100 Junior and Senior categories, each receiving 2 sets of Komet tires and 2 kg of Wladoil racing oil.

Finally, a special recognition was awarded to Leyla Sulyak in the X30 Lady IAME Series Italy category.

In conclusion, the award ceremony marked a fitting end to an exciting and highly competitive racing season, highlighting the dedication and talent of the winners and participants.